Monday, April 26, 2010

Attention Deficits and Exam Revision: Looking for a distraction?

I'm revising for exams right now and that means that anything and everything distracts me. It seems that when revision time rolls around everything in the world appears more interesting than what I happen to be studying. Let's see; revision time is the only time when tidying up, washing my husband's sweaty gym clothes, and emptying the dishwasher seem extremely exciting and appealing activities.  Even worse, my attention span seems to lie somewhere between that of an amoeba and a goldfish. Speaking of goldfish; I remember hearing once that goldfish have a memory span of something like seven seconds. Apparently it's so bad that  if there is something inedible floating in their tank they will repeatedly try to eat it, for the simple reason that seven seconds has elapsed and they forgot.

So when it comes to remembering all the ligaments in the larynx, I am that goldfish, except not only is my memory span seven seconds, so are my attention capabilities. Here is my studying routine (I strongly advise against following my lead); I read one sentence then surf the internet, read one sentence, look out the window, read one sentence, decide to squat down in front of my fridge and see if something enticing jumps out at me and so on and so forth. This cycle repeats itself until I look at the clock and it's time to cook dinner...or send Samuel to Chilango's for a Burrito (trust me when I say burritos have become my security blanket and only source of excitement over the past few weeks...we just had one for dinner by the way).

Revision has caused me to look for plenty of distractions in all kinds of places, so much so that yesterday afternoon I decided I needed to take some photos of my husband because the light was just so nice on the balcony, and well I couldn't face reading about cranial nerves anymore. So here is the photographic evidence of my distractions.

Did I mention that I am simply writing this blog as a means of putting off revision?

I know he's my husband so I have to say this but I really think he looks pretty darn good...

At least Samuel has something to smile about right now!

Here is a recipe for a snack I've eaten during my revision; maybe it will help you with yours! It's a really simple and healthy dip (the last thing I need right now is extra calories) made with non fat Greek yogurt. You could use regular yogurt as well. Just beware if you plan on getting lucky or having a conversation with someone who is within ten feet of you then be warned, the raw garlic ain't so sexy. I really like this with raw carrots but it's just as good with celery or peppers. Be creative with your vegetables, it makes for a great distraction. In fact, you can make your vegetables super distracting and time consuming (so great for putting off revision) if you think of really crazy ways of cutting them up; I mean have you tried cutting a piece of carrot into the shape of a heart? You'll be there till January.

Garlic Dip
Serves 1 depressed student or two normal people

150g Greek yogurt or regular natural yogurt, not the sweetened variety please. I always use non-fat as I'm depressed enough.
1 fat clove of garlic or 2 smaller ones-this is really to taste.
1 mild red chilli-again to taste.
A small handful or chopped coriander or chives depending on what you prefer.
Tiny tiny pinch of salt.
Raw veggies chopped into fingery sized chunks; carrots, celery, peppers etc..

If you are revising right now I wish you all the best of luck! 


Poleminous said...

Nice pictures of Samuel....get on with your revision, you know it makes sense. D

Steph, Cheshire, UK said...

Fab pics honey, they really are lovely. So natural and effortless and great subject as always...xx

guotz said...

hahaha, the way you write about revision really tickles me! x

Anonymous said...

Your blog provided a welcome distraction from my revision!
Deborah xx