As promised, here is my second ever couples shoot. I did this shoot the day after Danny and Mary's shoot, and we went to locations only five minutes from those used for the previous shoot. As a result, I really wanted to try and avoid having similar looking photos and thanks to Samuel we found some stunning spots. But let me tell you, a lot of the locations were quite a challenge to get to and a lot of love and effort went into capturing the images; on many an occasion I risked not only my neck but my lenses! I will tell you about the trials and tribulations as we go through the photos!
Joshua and Hannah met in November of last year; according to Hannah they had known of each other for many years but had never met. One night they were both in the same pub when Hannah saw Josh and immediately decided to speak to him. They hit it off and the rest, as they say, is history. Josh and Hannah were lovely to be around and seeing them together it was clear that they were still in the early and exciting stages of new love. Although Josh is my brother-in-law, this was the first time Samuel and I had met Hannah. They are a perfect match; both up for anything and everything, bubbly and full of life. They have a lovely dynamic and constantly laugh together; I was laughing the whole way through our shoot. Hopefully the pictures show this! I never tire of seeing people in love, and catching it on camera is simply wonderful. I hope they love the pictures and feel that they capture the love they share for each other.
You may have noticed that I have now got borders and a logo! Well I decided it was time to have my name somewhere on my photos and I feel that the frame sets them off nicely. And yes, I am using my maiden name; it feels more "me" if that makes sense and I suppose I find it hard adjusting to a new name. Samuel also thought it was a good idea since it is more unusual!
I'm constantly learning and growing on my photography adventure and I can honestly say I have never done anything that has captivated me and inspired me as much. I can't really put into words how much I love taking photos and I challenge myself everyday to move forward and do better. I struggle with being extremely critical of myself but I am trying to focus on how far I have come not how far I have to go.
I thought I would start with this shot because it really shows the stunning locations around this part of West Yorkshire, and I love the way they are looking at each other. Also, I love it because just as I was about to press the shutter, Rhoda the family greyhound, entered the image and stayed in the perfect position while I took the shot!
I really love simple close ups!
We were walking down to the reservoir when I saw Josh and Hannah walking ahead and I took this shot. I can't get over how beautiful it is around there!
I really love simple shots like these take between two tree trunks.
We then went down into the over flow for the reservoir; I took these first shots from above before getting in myself! I had both Samuel and Josh pick me up as I was too scared to slide down the side! Their expressions in this photo just make me smile. I love how cheeky it is.
Here I am finally down there myself!
We then walked through the narrow middle part of the overflow and up the steep sides to get these shots!
I love how happy and in love they look!
I then walked along a really narrow bridge across the reservoir to get this shot. I even changed lenses on the bridge!
We then took a rest and got some natural, close up portraits.
I love Hannah's expression here.
We then headed to Samuel and Joshua's home for some pictures with the lovely spring flowers which are in bloom.
Thanks for reading, I hope you like the photos. Feel free to comment below!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
Sweetheart, these pictures are outstanding and show how far you have come already with your photography. You have chosen excellent settings, great light and made sure that the subjects were nice and relaxed. You have captured their new and blossoming relationship perfectly. You can only get better from here! Well Done. D aka P. xx
Having now had a second look at your shots of Joshua and Hannah I think they are absolutely beautiful. My unprofessional eye sees a happy relaxed couple in fabulous surroundings. I especially love the vivid colours of the shots taken in the Fullers garden. Keep up the good work. In my humble opinion the rapid improvement in your photo-taking shows how much you are enjoying the photography.
Can't wait to see the next shoot
lol Mal xx
Good to see you are out with your camera regularly! These are very cute and I love the flower detail shots at the end.
excellent photos! your blog and photography taste inspires me every time I read it. My down mood vanishes! I heard about your blog in Ratio Tehran event back in March. glad to have become a reader!
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